

Mary was the daugh­ter of Mar­tin Tupper and Isa­bel­la De­vis, and wife of John Clay­ton Ad­ams, a land­scape ar­tist from Sur­rey.

She and her sis­ters pub­lished a vol­ume of orig­in­al po­ems, with some trans­la­tions from the Swed­ish, ti­tled Po­ems by Three Sis­ters (Lon­don: Hatch­ard, 1864).


Bridal Verses

Pure be the fancies of thy maiden heart,
Holy the thoughts
That crowd upon thee now,
As in this sacred service bearing part—
Unspotted as the flowers on thy brow—
Thou kneelest here, a modest blushing bride,
The husband of thy choice,
Thy lov’d one, by thy side.

Bright be the visions, bridegroom, of thy lot,
Blissful the home
That thy young wife shall share;
May heaven-born joy, that sorrow marreth not,
Spring up and flourish in its beauty there;
And many children haply shalt thou see
Rising to bless the name
Of thy dear wife and thee.

Blest be the union of your kindred souls,
Happy the path
Through life that you must tread:
With tender care the Heavenly Guide controls
The steps of those who by His love are led:
Young pair, give Him the first-fruits of your praise,
The guardian of your youth
Shall keep you all your days !

Mary FrancesTupper
Poems by Three Sisters, 1864


Help Needed

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