


Born: Feb­ru­ary 24, 1693, Halle an der Saale, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: Ap­ril 19, 1735, Giess­en, Ger­ma­ny.

Buried: Old Ce­me­te­ry, Giess­en, Ger­ma­ny.



Johann was the son of Hans Ja­kob Rambach, a ca­bi­net mak­er at Hal­le.

He left school in 1706, and en­tered his fa­ther’s work­shop. How­ev­er, in the au­tumn of 1707, he dis­locat­ed his an­kle, and dur­ing his re­co­ve­ry, he turned to his school books, and his de­sire for learn­ing re­a­wak­ened.

Early in 1708, he en­tered the La­tin School of the Hal­le Or­phan­age, and on Oc­to­ber 27, 1712, he ma­tri­cu­lat­ed at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Hal­le as a me­dic­al stu­dent.

He soon turned his at­ten­tion to theo­lo­gy, though, and be­came es­pe­cial­ly in­ter­est­ed in Old Test­ament stu­dy un­der J. H. Mi­chael­is.

In May 1715, he be­came one of Mi­chael­is’ as­sist­ants, help­ing pre­pare his edi­tion of the He­brew Bi­ble, for which he wrote the com­men­ta­ry on Ruth, Es­ther, Ne­he­mi­ah, and oth­er books.

His health be­gan to suf­fer in the spring of 1719, and he ac­cept­ed the in­vi­ta­tion of Count von Henk­el to stay at Pöl­zig, near Ron­ne­burg, where he spent se­ver­al months.

By Au­gust, he had re­cov­ered, and went to visit Je­na, where a num­ber of stu­dents had asked him to lec­ture. He set­tled in Je­na in Oc­to­ber 1719, liv­ing in the home of Pro­fess­or Bud­de­us (J. F. Bud­de).

He gra­du­at­ed MA in March 1720, and in 1723 was ap­point­ed ad­junct of the Theo­lo­gic­al fa­cul­ty at Hal­le; as an in­spector of the or­phan­age; in 1726 ex­tra­or­din­a­ry pro­fess­or of theo­lo­gy; and in 1727, af­ter Au­gust Francke’s death, or­di­na­ry pro­fess­or and preach­er at the Schul­kirche.

Here he was very po­pu­lar, both as preach­er and pro­fess­or, but his col­leagues’ jea­lou­sy in­duced him to ac­cept an of­fer from Land­grave Ernst Lud­wig of Hess­en, who in 1731 in­vit­ed him to Gies­sen as su­per­in­ten­dent and first pro­fess­or of theo­lo­gy (be­fore leav­ing Hal­le, he re­ceived his Doc­tor of Di­vi­ni­ty de­gree on June 28, 1731), and in August 1732, ap­point­ed him al­so di­rect­or of the Pae­da­go­gi­um at Gies­sen.

In 1734, he al­most ac­cept­ed an of­fer of the first pro­fess­or­ship of theo­lo­gy at the new­ly found­ed Uni­ver­si­ty of Gött­ing­en, but at the re­quest of the Landg­rave, de­cid­ed to stay in Giess­en.


