Scripture Verse

The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that call upon Him in truth. Psalm 145:18


Johann J. Rambach (1693–1735)

Words: Jo­hann J. Ram­bach, 1735 (Mein Schöp­fer, steh mir bei). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by R. E. Tay­lor, 1925, alt.

Music: Mein Schöp­fer Franz H. C. Mey­er, 1740 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Tay­lor’s full name, or where to get a good pic­ture of him or Mey­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


My Mak­er, be Thou nigh
The light of life to give
And guide me with Thine eye
While here on earth I live.
To Thee my heart I ten­der
And all my pow­ers sur­ren­der;
Make it my one en­dea­vor
To love and serve Thee ev­er.
Upon Thy pr­omise I re­ly;
My Mak­er, be Thou nigh.

My Sav­ior, wash me clean
With Thy most pre­cious blood,
That takes away all sin
And seals my peace with God.
My soul in peace abid­eth
When in Thy wounds it hid­eth.
There I find full sal­va­tion
And free­dom from dam­na­tion.
Without Thee lost, de­filed by sin,
My Sav­ior, wash me clean.

My Com­fort­er, give pow­er
That I may stand se­cure
When in temp­ta­tion’s hour
The world and sin al­lure.
The Son to me re­veal­ing,
Inspire my thought and feel­ing,
His Word of grace to pon­der,
Nor let me from Him wan­der.
On me Thy gifts and grac­es show­er:
My Com­fort­er, give pow­er!

O Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty!
To whom I all things owe,
Thine image gra­cious­ly
Within my heart be­stow.
Choose me, though weak and low­ly,
To be Thy tem­ple ho­ly
Where praise shall rise un­end­ing
For grace so con­des­cend­ing.
O heav’n­ly bliss, Thine own to be,
O Ho­ly Tri­ni­ty!