

Born: Ap­ril 13, 1838, New Ber­lin, Penn­syl­van­ia.

Died: Ap­ril 13, 1931, Los An­ge­les, Ca­li­for­nia.


Aaron was the son of Will­iam Wag­ner Or­wig (an Ev­an­ge­li­cal As­so­cia­tion bi­shop and hymn writ­er) and Su­san Rish­el, hus­band of Kate Hutch­ings, and bro­ther of Su­san Hoff­man. The town of Or­wigs­burg, Penn­syl­van­ia, is named af­ter his fa­mi­ly.

In 1869, Aar­on moved to Cleve­land, Ohio when his fa­ther went there to edit Der Christ­liche Bot­schafter. That same year, he be­gan pub­lish­ing The Liv­ing Epis­tle ma­ga­zine.

The Ohio Con­fer­ence of the Ev­an­ge­li­cal As­so­cia­tion li­censed Or­wig to preach in 1871. He trans­ferred to the Ca­li­for­nia Con­fer­ence in 1906.



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