

Born: Jan­ua­ry 4, 1956, Sa­li­nas, Ca­li­for­nia.



David’s fa­ther, Boyd E. Lee, was in the Na­vy at the end of World War II. In­spired by his fa­ther’s ser­vice, Da­vid en­list­ed at the end of his sen­ior year in high school. Da­vid al­so came to Christ in his sen­ior year, be­ing stirred by a Bil­ly Gra­ham mo­vie.

Shortly af­ter, Da­vid joined the Na­vy. Dur­ing his first tour, he met his fu­ture wife Tam­ra through mu­tu­al friends. They mar­ried in April 1979, and had three child­ren: Da­ni­el, Jes­sie, & Re­bec­ca.

After Da­vid com­plet­ed 20 years in the Na­vy, he began a li­te­ra­ture-based pri­son min­is­try, pas­tored a small church in Ca­li­for­nia, and did some evan­gel­is­tic work in Ten­nes­see. He is now se­mi-re­tired, writ­ing books from his stu­dies of Scrip­ture, and working as Tam­ra’s care­giv­er.
