

National Portrait Gallery

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Born: Oc­to­ber 2, 1796, Tra­lee Cas­tle, Coun­ty Ker­ry, Ire­land.

Died: June 13, 1889, Bromp­ton, Ken­sing­ton, Lon­don, Eng­land.

Buried: Pad­ding­ton Old Ce­me­te­ry, Lon­don, Eng­land.


Edward was the son of E. Den­ny, fourth bar­on­et, of Tra­lee Castle, Coun­ty Ker­ry.

He suc­ceed­ed his fa­ther as bar­on­et in Au­gust 1831:

Nearly the whole town of Tra­lee be­longed to him. He had an op­por­tu­ni­ty twen­ty years ago, when his leas­es fell in, of rais­ing his rents to fig­ures that, in some cas­es, would not have been con­sid­ered ex­tor­tion­ate had they been qua­dru­pled. He, how­ev­er, de­cid­ed to ac­cept the old rents.

The re­sult was that he was al­most alone in es­cap­ing any re­duc­tion in the hands of the Land Com­mis­sion. So far as he was him­self con­cerned, a lit­tle mo­ney went a long way, but he gave li­ber­al­ly to poor re­la­tions and to the de­vel­op­ment of re­li­gious work in con­nect­ion with the Breth­ren.

Living in a qu­iet way in a cot­tage in Is­ling­ton, he de­vot­ed his time to the stu­dy of the pro­phet­ic books. His ren­tal in­come from Ire­land was about £13,000 a year.

Leeds Mer­cu­ry
June 19, 1889

Denny be­longed to the Ply­mouth Breth­ren, and con­trib­ut­ed much to their hym­no­dy.


