

Born: Ju­ly 31, 1895, Le­ba­non, Mis­sou­ri.

Died: Au­gust 19, 1970, Brown­wood, Tex­as.

Buried: East­lawn Me­mo­ri­al Park, Ear­ly, Tex­as.


Carnett re­ceived a Di­plo­ma of Gos­pel Mu­sic from the South­west­ern Bap­tist Se­mi­na­ry, Fort Worth, Tex­as, in 1920, and a Ba­chelor of Sac­red Mu­sic de­gree in 1926.

He com­pleted some work on a Ba­che­lor of Theo­lo­gy de­gree, and served on the sem­in­ary’s mu­sic fa­cul­ty, 1920–35.

After leav­ing the sem­in­ary, he served as as­so­ci­ate pas­tor and choir di­rect­or of the Belle­vue Bap­tist Church, Mem­phis, Ten­nes­see. He went on to serve four years on the mu­sic fa­cul­ty of the Bap­tist Bible In­sti­tute, New Or­leans, Lou­isi­ana, and was pas­tor for three years at the First Bap­tist Church, Mans­field, Lou­isi­ana.

In 1945, he was elect­ed Di­rect­or of the South­west­ern Bap­tist Se­mi­na­ry’s School of Sac­red Mu­sic.




Help Needed

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Car­nett (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),