


Born: March 20, 1849, Camp­bell Coun­ty, Ken­tuc­ky.

Died: No­vem­ber 21, 1919, Burn­side, Ken­tuc­ky.

Buried: Ri­ver­side Ce­me­te­ry, Fal­mouth, Ken­tuc­ky.



Taylor was the son of Green­up Bark­er and Eli­za­beth De­Moss. He mar­ried twice, to Sar­ah A. (Sal­lie) Brooks and Lin­nie Cap­lin­ger (1909).

He was edu­cat­ed in the schools of Camp­bell Coun­ty; at Ken­tuc­ky Wes­ley­an Col­lege, Ow­ens­bo­ro, Ken­tuc­ky; and in Le­ban­on, Ohio.

He came to Christ in his teens, and was lat­er grant­ed a li­cense as a lo­cal preach­er. In 1876, he was ad­mit­ted on tri­al to the Ken­tuc­ky An­nu­al (Me­tho­dist) Con­fer­ence.

His first ap­point­ment was in Jack­son and Beat­ty­ville. The next year he was sent to the Ell­ston Mis­sion, and in 1879 to the Mil­ton Charge, where he served four years. In 1896, he re­turned to Mil­ton for three more years.

He al­so served pas­tor­ates in Camp­bells­burg, Gras­sy Lick and Mt. Zi­on, Pe­ters­burg, 11th Street in Cov­ing­ton, War­saw, Fal­mouth, Al­ex­an­dria, Vi­sa­lia, Tay­lors­ville, Stan­ford, New­port, Brook­sville, and last­ly at Burn­side, Ken­tuc­ky.




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