Scripture Verse

No one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. John 3:5


Words: Will­iam T. Sleep­er, 1877.

Music: George C. Steb­bins (🔊 pdf nwc). This song was writ­ten while Steb­bins was help­ing Dr. George Pen­te­cost in ev­an­gel­is­tic meet­ings in Wor­ces­ter, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

William T. Sleeper

Origin of the Hymn

During those meet­ings, one of the sub­jects preached up­on was the New Birth. While pre­sent­ing the truth, en­forc­ing it by re­fer­ring to va­ri­ous pas­sag­es of Scrip­ture, Dr. Pen­te­cost quot­ed our Lord’s words to Ni­co­de­mus, Ve­ri­ly, ve­ri­ly, I say un­to thee, ye must be born again

It oc­curred to me that by tak­ing the line Ve­ri­ly, ve­ri­ly, I say un­to thee, from the third verse, and put­ting it with the line, Ye must be born again, and by trans­fer­ring the word I from the mid­dle of the first line to the be­gin­ning, so it would read, I ve­ri­ly, ve­ri­ly, say un­to thee, Ye must be born again, those pas­sag­es would then fall in­to rhy­thm­ic­al form, and by the use of some re­pe­ti­tions could be made av­ail­able for a mu­sic­al set­ting, and al­so for a chor­us to the hymn, if some suit­able vers­es could be found…

I spoke to Rev­er­end…Sleep­er, one of the pas­tors of the ci­ty who some­times wrote hymns, of my im­pres­sion and asked him if he would write me some vers­es on the sub­ject. He act­ed at once on my sug­ges­tion and soon af­ter came to me with the hymn… Be­fore the meet­ings closed a mu­sic­al set­ting was made.

George Steb­bins, Mem­oirs and Rem­in­isc­enc­es


Jesus Counsels Nicodemus
William Brassey Hole (1846–1917)

A rul­er once came to Je­sus by night
To ask Him the way of sal­va­tion and light;
The Mas­ter made an­swer in words true and plain,
Ye must be born again.


Ye must be born again,
Ye must be born again,
I ve­ri­ly, ve­ri­ly, say un­to thee,
Ye must be born again.

Ye child­ren of men, at­tend to the Word,
So so­lemn­ly ut­tered by Je­sus the Lord;
And let not this mes­sage to you be in vain,
Ye must be born again.


O ye who would en­ter that glo­ri­ous rest,
And sing with the ran­somed the song of the blest,
The life ev­er­last­ing if ye would ob­tain,
Ye must be born again.


A dear one in Heav­en thy heart yearns to see,
At the beau­ti­ful gate may be watch­ing for thee,
Then list to the note of this so­lemn re­frain,
Ye must be born again.
