Scripture Verse

Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matthew 25:21


C. Austin Miles (1868–1946)

Words: Tho­mas M. East­wood, 1905.

Music: C. Aus­tin Miles (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas M. Eastwood (1848–1922)


When our earth­ly toils are ov­er,
And low sinks life’s set­ting sun,
Will the Mas­ter fond­ly greet us,
With a joy­ous, glad Well done?


Yes, He will, yes, He will;
All His pro­mis­es are true,
He will keep His word to you.
Yes, He will, yes, He will;
He will keep His word to you.

Will He give His gra­cious wel­come,
To His ev­er­last­ing rest,
And pro­vide a home eter­nal,
In the man­sions of the blest?


Will He place a crown of glo­ry
On our fore­heads in His love,
When He reigns in roy­al splen­dor,
In His king­dom up above?


Will He bid us ga­ther round Him,
And to fol­low in His train,
When with all His shin­ing an­gels,
He des­cends to earth again?
