Scripture Verse

Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. Isaiah 40:1


Words: Ju­lia B. God­dard, 1889, alt.

Music: F. W. Daw­kins (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Daw­kins’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or God­dard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Christ­mas stars are shin­ing,
The winds are wail­ing low;
And o’er the earth is echo­ing
The song of long ago;
From mount­ain ov­er val­ley,
Is heard the glo­ri­ous cry,
O com­fort ye My peo­ple,
The Prince of Peace draws nigh.

Sing of the Christ Child’s com­ing,
In low­li­est es­tate;
When long time kings and pro­phets
With ea­ger hearts did wait.
Where’er His foot­steps lin­ger
Shall blos­som forth the rose;
And peace shall be abound­ing,
Where’er His Spir­it goes.

O Babe in hum­ble man­ger,
Amongst the poor of earth,
See kings bring gold and in­cense
To of­fer at Thy birth;
The host of Heav’n tri­um­phant,
A glo­ri­ous strain did sing,
Peace and good will for ev­er
Through Christ, the new­born King.

Awake, awake, O Zi­on,
And put on all thy strength;
Filled is the throne of David,
Thy king hath come at length.
His star hath shone in Heav­en,
And an­gels at His birth,
Have brought the fair ev­an­gel,
Peace and good will on earth.