Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


William F. Sherwin

Words: Em­ma F. Pitt, in Heart and Voice, ed­it­ed by Will­iam Sher­win (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1881), pag­es 180–81.

Music: Shen­zhen Will­iam F. Sher­win, 1881 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pitt (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The Christ­mas bells are ring­ing,
Yes, ring­ing ev­ery­where,
And joy­ful hearts are sing­ing,
Their voic­es fill the air;
The Christ­mas bells are tell­ing
To you a Sav­ior’s born!
And loud their tones are swell­ing,
On this glad, hap­py morn.


The Christ­mas bells are ring­ing,
There’s mu­sic in the air;
The Christ­mas bells are ring­ing,
Yes, ring­ing ev­ery­where.

The Christ­mas bells are peal­ing
To all men peace, good will;
Like gen­tle voic­es steal­ing
I hear their mu­sic still;
Yes, ’tis the same sweet sto­ry
Was heard in days of old,
When Christ the Lord of glo­ry
The wise men did be­hold.


The Christ­mas bells are bring­ing
A joy­ful me­lo­dy,
And clear­ly, clear­ly ring­ing,
A song so glad and free;
Oh, list! their glo­ri­ous ec­ho
Is borne thro’ yond­er sky,
While an­gels join the chor­us
Of praise to God on high.

