Scripture Verse

God has made that same Jesus…crucified, both Lord and Christ. Acts 2:36


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Al­bert W. T. Ors­born. The words are said to have been writ­ten for Good Fri­day meet­ings at the Clap­ton Con­gress Hall, Lon­don, around 1914. They are based part­ly on Os­born’s po­em The Cross of Christ, pub­lished in The Field Of­fi­cer, March 1912.

Music: Me­li­ta John B. Dykes, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1861 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Albert W. T. Orsborn (1886–1967)


We wor­ship Thee, O Cru­ci­fied!
What glo­ries didst Thou lay aside;
What depth of hu­man grief and sin
Didst Thou con­sent to lang­uish in,
That through aton­ing blood out­poured
Our brok­en peace might be re­stored!

We mourn that e’er our hearts should be
One with a world that loves not Thee;
That with the crowd we passed Thee by,
And saw, but did not feel, Thee die.
Not till we knew our guilt and shame
Did we es­teem our Sav­ior’s name.

Though with our shame we shunned the light,
Thou didst not leave us in the night;
We were not left in sin to stray
Unsought, un­loved, from Thee away;
For from Thy cross ir­ra­di­ates
A pow­er that saves and re­cre­ates.

O loved above all earth­ly love,
To Thee our hearts ad­or­ing move;
Thy bound­less mer­cies yearn to save
And in Thy blood sin’s wounds to lave.
O speed the day when men shall see
That hu­man hopes are all in Thee.