Scripture Verse

Who is on the Lord’s side? Exodus 32:26


Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)

Words & Mu­sic: Eli­za E. Hew­itt, 1890 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Who will fol­low Je­sus,
Standing for the right,
Holding up His ban­ner
In the thick­est fight?
Listening for His or­ders,
Ready to ob­ey,
Who will fol­low Je­sus,
Serving Him to­day?


Who will follow Je­sus?
Who will make re­ply,
I am on the Lord’s side;
Master, here am I
Who will fol­low Je­sus?
Who will make re­ply,
I am on the Lord’s side;
Master, here am I

Who will fol­low Je­sus,
In life’s bu­sy ways,
Working for the Mas­ter,
Giving Him the praise;
Earnest in His vine­yard,
Honoring His laws,
Faithful to His coun­sel,
Watchful for His cause?


Who will fol­low Je­sus
When the tempt­er charms?
Fleeing then, for safe­ty,
To the Sav­ior’s arms;
Trusting in His mer­cy,
Trusting in His pow­er,
Seeking fresh re­new­als
Of His grace each hour?


Who will fol­low Je­sus,
In His work of love,
Leading oth­ers to Him,
Lifting pray­ers above?
Courage, faith­ful ser­vant!
In His Word we see,
On our side for­ev­er
Will this Sav­ior be.
