Men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
Mark 13:26
Words: Geoffrey A. Studdert-Kennedy, in the American Student Hymnal, by H. Augustine Smith (New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1928).
Music: Lombard Street Frederick G. Russell, 1929 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know where to get a good photo of Russell (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
When through the whirl
Of wheels, and engines humming,
Patiently powerful
For the sons of men,
Peals like a trumpet
Promise of His coming,
Who in the clouds is pledged
To come again.
When through the night
The furnace fires aflaring,
Shooting out tongues
Of flame like leaping blood,
Speak to the heart
Of love, alive, and daring,
Sing of the boundless
Energy of God.
When in the depths
The patient miner striving
Feels in his arms
The vigor of the Lord,
Strikes for a kingdom
And his king’s arriving,
Holding his pick more
Splendid than the sword.
When on the sweat
Of labor and its sorrow,
Toiling in twilight
Flickering and dim,
Flames out the sunshine
Of the great tomorrow,
When all the world
Looks up because of Him.
Then will He come
With meekness for His glory,
God in a workman’s
Jacket as before,
Living again
Th’eternal Gospel story,
Sweeping the shavings
From His workshop floor.