Scripture Verse

Peace be unto you. John 20:19


Words: Mag­nus B. Land­stad, 1863 (Naar Syn­der­en ret ser sin Vaade). Trans­lat­ed from Nor­we­gian to Eng­lish by Oluf H. Sme­by, 1909, alt.

Music: Wer weiss, wie nahe (Möck) Chris­tian Möck, 1818 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Oluf H. Smeby (1851–1929)


Appearance of Christ at the Cenacle
James Tissot (1836–1902)

When sin­ners see their lost con­di­tion
And feel the press­ing load of sin,
And Je­sus com­eth on His mis­sion
To heal the sin-sick heart with­in,
All grief must flee be­fore His grace,
And joy di­vine will take its place.

When Je­sus en­ters meek and low­ly
To fill the home with sweet­est peace;
When hearts have felt His bless­ing ho­ly
And found from sin com­plete re­lease,
Then light and calm with­in shall reign
And hearts di­vid­ed love again.

When Je­sus en­ters land and na­tion
And moves the people with His love;
When, yield­ing to His kind per­sua­sion,
Our hearts His truth and bless­ing prove,
Then shall our life on earth be blest,
The peace of God on us shall rest.

When Je­sus comes—O bless­èd sto­ry!—
He works a change in heart and life;
God’s king­dom comes with pow’r and glo­ry
To young and old, to man and wife;
Thro’ sac­ra­ment and liv­ing Word,
Faith, love, and hope are now con­ferred.

Then stilled are cries and la­men­ta­tion,
Then loosed is Sa­tan’s ev­ery band;
In death is hope and con­so­la­tion,
The soul is safe in Je­sus’ hand.
When we shall walk through death’s dark vale,
His rod and staff shall ne­ver fail.

Oh, may He soon to ev­ery na­tion
Find en­trance where He is un­known,
With life and light and full sal­va­tion,
That hea­then­dom may be o’er­thrown
And heal­ing to the hearts may come
In hea­then land and Chris­tian home!