Scripture Verse

Go work today in My vineyard. Matthew 21:28


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: Lu­cy H. Wash­ing­ton, in Bright Jew­els, ed­it­ed by Ro­bert Low­ry (New York: Big­low & Main, 1869), num­ber 20.

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lucy H. Washington (1835–1913)


There is work to do for Je­sus,
Yes, a glo­ri­ous work to do,
For a har­vest ful­ly rip­ened,
Rich and gold­en, lies in view;
With a pray­er to God our Fa­ther,
Let us all the work pur­sue,
For our ris­en Lord is call­ing,
And the har­vest­ers are few.


Yes, there’s work to do for Je­sus,
And the har­vest is in view;
There’s a great work ev­ery­where to do;
There is work to do for Je­sus,
And the har­vest­ers are few,
There’s enough work for all to do.

There is work to do for Je­sus,
And we hear the Sav­ior say,
Why art stand­ing here so idle,
At the noon­tide on the way?
Even now I will ac­cept thee,
With the rest thy wag­es pay;
Go and labor in My vine­yard
Till the clos­ing of the day.


Yes, there’s work to do for Je­sus;
Who will an­swer to the call?
See! the vint­age is abun­dant,
There is work to do for all;
God com­mands that we should la­bor,
Tho’ the task our hearts ap­pall;
For He claim­eth our life ser­vice,
Till the shades of death shall fall.
