Scripture Verse

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God. 1 John 3:1


James Rowe (1865–1933)

Words: James Rowe, 1913.

Music: Ben­ja­min C. Un­seld (🔊 pdf nwc).

Benjamin C. Unseld


Tell it to oth­ers as on­ward you go,
Wonderful mes­sage of love;
Send it from hearts that with joy ov­er­flow,
Wonderful mes­sage of love.


Wonderful mes­sage, beau­ti­ful mes­sage,
Sent by the Fa­ther above;
Wonderful mes­sage, life giv­ing mes­sage,
Marvelous mes­sage of love.

Tell how it bright­ens each step of the way,
Wonderful mes­sage of love;
Tell it to those who from God are as­tray,
Wonderful mes­sage of love.


Sweeter it seems ev­ery time it is told,
Wonderful mes­sage of love;
Tell it, till safe in the ci­ty of gold,
Wonderful mes­sage of love.
