Scripture Verse

Praise the Lord, O my soul. While I live will I praise the Lord. Psalm 146:12


Lizzie DeArmond (1847–1936)

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Words: Lizzie De­Ar­mond, 1909.

Music: Sam­uel W. Beaz­ley (🔊 pdf nwc). Writ­ten as a choir piece.

Samuel W. Beazley (1873–1944)


Praise the Lord with heart and voice,
Joyfully serv­ing your king;
Come and wor­ship at His throne,
Lovingly, grate­ful­ly sing;
Happy ev­ery hour, trust­ing to His pow­er,
Unto the Giv­er of our sal­va­tion
Praises bring.


Praise Him! sing with me­lo­dy, heart and voice;
Praise Him ev­er­last­ing­ly, come, re­joice;
Hail Him, Lord most glo­ri­ous,
Mighty One vic­to­ri­ous,
Praise His ho­ly name.
Praise Him, heav’n­ly com­pa­ny, an­gels bright;
Crown Him now and ev­er­more, Lord of light;
Praise Him, all cre­ation, God of our sal­va­tion;
Boundless in ma­jes­ty, King eter­nal;
Praise His name.

Praise the dear Re­deem­er’s name,
Crown Him with beau­ty and light;
Just and true are all His ways,
Wonderful, bound­less His might;
Glad ho­san­nas swell­ing,
Loud His good­ness tell­ing;
Fountain of bless­ing, our joy eter­nal,
Day and night.


Praise the Lord with heart and voice,
Ever ador­ing­ly raise
Hallelujahs sweet and strong
Unto the An­cient of Days;
Shout with ac­cla­ma­tion;
Hail Him, all cre­ation;
Worship Je­ho­vah, O come re­joic­ing,
Sound His praise.
