Scripture Verse

A friend of publicans and sinners. Matthew 11:19


Words: Ila M. Liv­ing­stan, in Truth and Hope (Hud­son, North Ca­ro­li­na: Teach­ers’ Mu­sic Pub­lish­ing, 1919), num­ber 129.

Music: George W. Ba­con (🔊 pdf nwc, ar­ranged for fe­male voic­es).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Liv­ing­stan (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Ba­con,

George W. Bacon


Jesus is the friend of sin­ners,
Jesus died our souls to save;
On the cru­el cross He suf­fered,
There His pre­cious life He gave.


Sinner, come to Christ to­day;
Come, ac­cept Him while you may;
Now His pre­cious blood will cleanse you,
Will you come to Him to­day?

If in sin you choose to wan­der,
Still re­ject His love so true,
You must part from friends and loved ones,
Who are pray­ing now for you.


Will you not in faith ac­cept Him,
Trust the Christ who died for you,
That when life on earth is ov­er,
You His lov­ing face may view?


When our jour­ney here is end­ed,
When life’s race is ful­ly run,
If we’ve fol­lowed Christ, our Sav­ior,
We shall hear His sweet Well done!
