Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Words & Music: Isham E. Reynolds, circa 1920 (🔊 pdf nwc). This song was found in Reynolds’ papers after his death, and eventually made its way into hymnals.
Jesus waits to welcome you,
Will you come? Will you come?
Arms of love outstretched to you,
Will you come? Will you come?
Will you come? Will you come?
O the Savior bids you come;
He will welcome you with words of love,
Will you come? Will you come?
Jesus stands at mercy’s door,
Will you come? Will you come?
Pardon free the Savior gives,
Will you come? Will you come?
Peace and joy you will possess,
Will you come? Will you come?
Life eternal will be yours,
Will you come? Will you come?