Scripture Verse

Without Me you can do nothing. John 15:5


Words: Fran­ces R. Ha­ver­gal, 1873. Also see I Could Not Do With­out Thee.

Music: Ivy E. Craig, 1920 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Craig (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Frances R. Havergal


I could not do with­out Him!
Jesus is more to me
Than all the rich­est, fair­est gifts
Of earth could ev­er be.
But the more I find Him pre­cious,
And the more I find Him true,
The more I long for you to find
What He can be to you.

You need not do with­out Him,
For He is pass­ing by;
He is wait­ing to be gra­cious,
Only wait­ing for your cry;
He is wait­ing to re­ceive you—
To make you all His own;
Why will you do with­out Him,
And wan­der on alone?

What will you do with­out Him?
When He hath shut the door,
And you are left out­side be­cause
You would not come be­fore?
When it is no use knock­ing,
No use to stand and wait,
For the word of doom tolls thro’ your breast,
That ter­ri­ble, Too late!

Why should you do with­out Him?
It is not yet too late;
He has not closed the day of grace,
He has not shut the gate.
He calls you! Oh, He calls you!
He would not have you go
Another step with­out Him,
Because He loves you so.