My God, my God, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from helping me?
Psalm 22:1
Words: Anonymous, in The Psalter, edited by B. B. Robertson & J. Gaily (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Ferguson & Woodburn, 1872).
Music: Catherine Elizabeth M. Clark (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know the author, or where to get a good photo of him or Clark (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
My God, my God, why me forsake?
O why to me no answer make?
In deep distress I cry, O Lord;
Why stand afar—nor help afford?
All day, my God, I cry in vain,
Nor can I in the night refrain;
But Thou art holy, who dost dwell
Amid the songs of Israel.
Our fathers put their trust in Thee,
They trusted and Thou didst them free;
To Thee they cried, deliverance came,
They hoped, and were not put to shame.
But I, a worm, as no man prized,
Reproached of men, by all despised;
All shake the head, they mock and gaze,
Each scornful lip contempt betrays.
He trusts in God; let God defend
And save him since He is his friend.
Thou mad’st me first the light to see,
In infant years to hope in Thee.
From birth dependent on Thy power,
Thou art my God from childhood’s hour;
Be not far off, for trouble nears,
And none to give me help appears.