Scripture Verse

That blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13


Words & Mu­sic: Wayne Hoop­er, 1962 (🔊 pdf nwc). Hoop­er wrote this song for the Se­venth-day Ad­vent­ist Church’s Ge­ne­ral Con­fer­ence sess­ion of that year.

Wayne Hooper (1920–2008)


We have this hope that burns with­in our hearts,
Hope in the com­ing of the Lord.
We have this faith that Christ alone im­parts,
Faith in the pro­mise of His Word.
We be­lieve the time is here,
When the na­tions far and near
Shall awake, and shout and sing
Hallelujah! Christ is King!
We have this hope that burns with­in our hearts,
Hope in the com­ing of the Lord.

We are unit­ed in Je­sus Christ our Lord.
We are unit­ed in His love.
Love for the wait­ing peo­ple of the world,
People who need our Sav­ior’s love.
Soon the heav’ns will op­en wide,
Christ will come to claim His bride,
All the uni­verse will sing
Hallelujah! Christ is King!
We have this hope, this faith, and God’s great love,
We are unit­ed in Christ.