Scripture Verse

Who will roll away the stone from the entrance to the tomb? Mark 16:3


Thomas Lynch (1818–1871)

Words: Tho­mas T. Lynch, The Ri­vu­let, third edi­tion, en­larged (Lon­don: Long­mans, Green, Read­er & Dyer, 1868), num­ber 113.

Music: St. Bees John B. Dykes, 1862 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:


The Holy Women at the Tomb
William Bouguereau (1825–1905)

Who will roll away the stone?
We are few and are alone,

Say the wo­men, sad and weak;
Who will give the help we seek?

Thus in whis­pers low they talk,
Sighing on their ear­ly walk,
Of the work that has been done
Ere the ris­ing of the sun.

Who will climb in­to the sky,
Bring re­demp­tion from on high?
Who will light the drea­ry grave,
And the dead and dy­ing save?

All is done that thou wouldst do;
All is fin­ished, soul, for you;
Life is born, and death is dead,
Day is shin­ing, night has fled.