Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen. Luke 24:34


Friedrich Spee (1591–1635)

Words: Fried­rich Spee, 1623 (Die ganze Welt, Herr Je­su Christ). Trans­lat­ed from Ger­man to Eng­lish by Per­cy Dear­mer, 1924.

Music: Hi­la­ri­ter, me­lo­dy from the Köln­ische Ge­sang­buch, 1623; har­mo­nized by George R. Wood­ward (1848–1934). Ap­peared in Car­ols Old and Car­ols New, ed­it­ed by Charles L. Hutch­ins (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Par­ish Choir, 1916), num­ber 317 (🔊 pdf nwc). Hi­la­ri­ter (here pro­nounced hi-lair-i-tair) is La­tin for joy­ful­ly.

Percy Dearmer (1867–1936)


The whole bright world re­joic­es now,
Hilariter, hi­la­ri­ter!
The birds do sing on ev­ery bough,
Alleluia, al­le­lu­ia!

Then shout be­neath the rac­ing skies,
Hilariter, hi­la­ri­ter!
To Him who rose that we might rise,
Alleluia, al­le­lu­ia!

And all you liv­ing things make praise,
Hilariter, hi­la­ri­ter!
He guid­eth you on all your ways,
Alleluia, al­le­lu­ia!

To Fa­ther, Son, and Ho­ly Ghost—
Hilariter, hi­la­ri­ter!
Our God most high, our joy and boast.
Alleluia, al­le­lu­ia!