Scripture Verse

There were…shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. Luke 2:9–10


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in The Ev­an­ge­li­cal Song­ster (New­bu­ry­port, Mas­sa­chu­setts: W. & J. Gil­man, 1812). This hymn is in­clud­ed main­ly for his­tor­ic in­ter­est. Its ar­cha­ic phras­ing would re­quire chang­es for mo­dern day use.

Music: Cu­per­ti­no T. R. Bow­den, 1899 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Bow­den’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


While shep­herds in Jew­ry were guard­ing their sheep,
Promiscuously seat­ed, es­trang­èd from sleep,
An an­gel from Hea­ven pre­sent­ed to view,
And thus he ac­cost­ed the trem­bling few:
Dispel all your sor­rows, and ban­ish your fears,
For Je­sus your Sav­ior in Jew­ry ap­pears.

When Ad­am the first in re­bel­lion was found,
Forbidden to tar­ry on hal­low­èd ground,
Now Ad­am the se­cond ap­pears to re­trieve
The loss you sus­tained by the de­vil and Eve;
Then, shep­herds, be tran­quil, this in­stant arise,
Go vi­sit the Sav­ior and see where He lies.

A to­ken I leave you where­by you may find
This hea­ven­ly strang­er, this friend to man­kind;
A man­ger His cra­dle, a stall His ab­ode,
The ox­en are near Him be­hold­ing your Lord.
Then, shep­herds, be hum­ble, be meek and lie low,
For Je­sus your Sav­ior’s abun­dant­ly so.

This won­drous sto­ry scarce bowed on the ear,
When thou­sands of an­gels in glo­ry ap­pear;
They join in the con­cert, and this was the theme,
All glo­ry to God and good will to­ward men.
Then she­pherds, strike in, join your voice to the choir
And catch a few sparks of ce­les­ti­al fire.

Hosannah, the ad­or­ing shep­herds now cried,
Hosannah, the an­gels in glo­ry re­plied;
Salvation through Je­sus to mor­tals made known,
In glo­ry to God through the birth of His Son.
Now, shep­herds, adieu, we com­mend you to God,
Go vi­sit the Son in His hum­ble abode.

To Beth­le­hem’s ci­ty the shep­herds re­paired,
For full con­fir­ma­tion of what they had heard;
They en­tered the sta­ble with as­pects so mild,
And there they be­held both the mo­ther and child.
Then make pro­cla­ma­tion, di­vulge it abroad,
That Jews and Gen­tiles may hear of the Lord.