I will trust, and not be afraid.
Isaiah 12:2
Words: Thomas Kelly, Hymns Not Before Published (Dublin: Thomas Johnston, 1815), number 65.
Music: Brignall R. T., in Hymns of Consecration and Faith, new and enlarged edition, compiled and arranged by Isabella Sarah Kitchin Hopkins (1849–1928) (London: Marshall Brothers, 1902), number 108 (🔊 pdf nwc).
If you know the composer, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels),
When we can not see our way,
Let us trust, and still obey:
He who bids us forward go,
Can not fail the way to show.
Tho’ the sea be deep and wide:
Tho’ a passage seems denied;
Fearless let us still proceed,
Since the Lord vouchsafes to lead.
Tho’ it seems the gloom of night,
Tho’ we see no ray of light.
Since the Lord Himself is there,
’Tis not meet that we should fear.
Night with Him is never night:
Where He is, there all is light;
When He calls us, why delay?
They are happy who obey.
Be it ours then while we’re here,
Him to follow without fear:
Where He calls us, there to go,
What He bids us, that to do.