Scripture Verse

The Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20:11


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words & Mu­sic: Ro­bert Low­ry, in Hymns for Schools and Fa­mi­lies, ed­it­ed by Tho­mas O. Sum­mers (Rich­mond, Vir­gin­ia & Lou­is­ville, Ken­tuc­ky: J. Ear­ly, 1853) (🔊 pdf nwc).


When the morn­ing light
Drives away the night,
With the sun so bright and full,
And the day of rest
Lightens ev­ery breast,
I’ll away to Sab­bath school;
For ’tis there we all agree,
All with hap­py hearts and free,
And I love to ear­ly be,
At the Sab­bath school.


I’ll away! away!
I’ll away! away!
I’ll away to Sab­bath school.

In the class I meet
With the friends I greet,
At the time of op­en­ing pray­er;
And our hearts we raise
In a hymn of praise,
For ’tis al­ways plea­sant there;
In the Book of h­oly truth,
Full of coun­sel and re­proof,
We be­hold the guide of youth,
At the Sab­bath school.


May the dews of grace
Fill the hal­lowed place,
And the sun­shine nev­er fail,
While each bloom­ing rose
Which in me­mo­ry grows,
Shall a sweet per­fume ex­hale;
When we min­gle here no more,
But have met on Jor­dan’s shore,
We will talk of mo­ments o’er
At the Sab­bath school.
