Scripture Verse

Now we see but a poor reflection…then we shall see face to face. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Benjamin K. Knight (1869–1937)

Words: An­tho­ny J. Sho­wal­ter, Sing­ing for Joy (Dal­ton, Geor­gia: A. J. Sho­wal­ter, 1902).

Music: Ben­ja­min K. Knight (🔊 pdf nwc).

Anthony J. Showalter (1858–1924)


When earth’s la­bors are o’er,
And I rest on the shore
Of that land where no storms ev­er beat,
I shall see, face to face,
Him who saved me by grace,
And the saints of all ag­es shall greet.


O the joy I shall know,
O the joy I shall know,
When the face of my Sav­ior I see;
When He wel­comes me home
’Neath His fair pa­lace dome,
O how sweet will His words be to me!

There no sha­dows can fall,
And no death e’er ap­pall,
For the Lord is the light and the life;
By His glo­ry so bright
Shall be ban­ished the night,
And the peace which He gives ends all strife.


I shall join in the psalm
To the glo­ri­fied Lamb,
For sal­va­tion so full and so free;
All my fears will be past;
I’ll be safe home at last,
Evermore with the Lord there to be.
