Scripture Verse

What shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Matthew 16:26


Words: F. J. Ber­ry, in Tri­um­phant Ho­san­nas, ed­it­ed by Em­mett S. Dean (Wa­co, Tex­as: Trio Mu­sic, 1912).

Music: J. H. Carr (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Ber­ry or Carr’s full name, or where to get their pho­tos,


Brother afar from the Sav­ior to­day,
Risking your soul for the things that de­cay;
O if to­day God should call it away,
What would you give in ex­change for your soul?


What would you give? What would you give?
What would you give in ex­change for your soul?
O if to­day God should call it away,
What would you give in ex­change for your soul?

Mercy is call­ing you, won’t you give heed?
Must the dear Sav­ior still ten­der­ly lead?
Risk not your soul, it is pre­cious in­deed;
What would you give in ex­change for your soul?


More than the sil­ver and gold of the earth—
More than all jew­els thy spir­it is worth!
God, the Cre­at­or, has giv­en it birth!
What would you give in ex­change for your soul?


If, when you stand at the bar by and by,
When you are weighed in the bal­ance on high,
You should be sen­tenced for­ev­er to die!
What would you give in ex­change for your soul?
