Scripture Verse

For the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, 1894. Com­pare What Will It Mat­ter? (Pres­ton).

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


What will it mat­ter, by and by,
What will it mat­ter, by and by
Whether my cross­es were hea­vy or light,
Whether my path­way was cloudy or bright,
When I shall walk with the ran­somed in white,
Safe in that beau­ti­ful land?

What will it mat­ter, by and by,
What will it mat­ter, by and by,
Whether my tri­als were ma­ny or few,
Whether the world was un­faith­ful or true,
When my Re­deem­er in glo­ry I view,
Home in that beau­ti­ful land?

What will it mat­ter, by and by,
What will it bet­ter, by and by,
Whether the wa­ters were bit­ter or sweet,
Murmuring gent­ly, or sad at my feet,
When the de­part­ed, with rap­ture, I meet,
Home in that beau­ti­ful land?

What will it bet­ter, by and by,
What will it bet­ter, by and by,
Whether I press with the morn­ing away,
Whether at noon­tide or closing of day,
When in the val­ley of Ed­en I stray,
Home in that beau­ti­ful land?