Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Words: Thomas Kelly, 1806.
Music: Arthur’s Seat John Goss, Hymns and Songs of Praise (New York: 1874) (🔊 pdf nwc).
Alternate Tunes:
We’ll sing, in spite of scorn:
Our theme is come from Heav’n:
To us a child is born,
To us a son is giv’n;
The sweetest news that ever came
We’ll sing, though all the world should blame.
The long expected morn
Has dawned upon the earth;
The Savior Christ is born,
And angels sing His birth:
We’ll join the bright seraphic throng,
We’ll share their joys, and swell their song.
O! ’tis a lofty theme,
Supplied by angels’ tongues!
All other objects seem
Unworthy of our songs.
This sacred theme has boundless charms,
It fills, it captivates, it warms.
Now sing of peace divine,
Of grace to guilty man;
No wisdom, Lord, but Thine
Could form the wondrous plan;
Where peace and righteousness embrace,
And justice goes along with grace.
Give praise to God on high,
With angels round His throne;
Give praise to God with joy,
Give praise to God alone!
’Tis meet His saints their songs should raise,
And give the Savior endless praise.