Scripture Verse

We Thy people and sheep of Thy pasture will give Thee thanks for ever. Psalm 79:13


Words: Per­ci­val A. Chubb (1860–1960).

Music: Prae­to­ri­us Har­mo­ni­ae Hym­no­rum Scho­lae Gor­li­cen­sis, 1599 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Chubb (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


We lift our hearts in thanks to­day
For all the gifts of life;
And first, for peace that turns away
The ene­mies of strife;

And next, the beau­ty of the earth,
Its flow­ers and love­ly things,
The spring’s great mir­acle of birth,
With sound of songs and wings;

Then, har­vests of its teem­ing soil
In or­chard, croft and field;
But more, the ser­vice and the toil
Of those who helped them yield;

And most, the gifts of hope and love,
Of wis­dom, truth and right,
The gifts that shine like stars above
To chart the world by night.

As we re­ceive, so let us give,
With rea­dy, ge­ner­ous hand,
Rich fruit­age from the lives we live
To bless our home and land.