Scripture Verse

Come over…and help us. Acts 16:9


Robert Lowry (1826–1899)

Words: So­phie B. Tit­ter­ing­ton, in Sun­ny-Side Songs (New York and Chi­cago, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1893), page 42.

Music: Ro­bert Low­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tit­ter­ing­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


We hear a sad wail that comes ov­er the wave,
From fast dy­ing mill­ions with no hand to save;
In dark­ness eter­nal they pass on their way;
O Christ, save and pi­ty; O an­swer, we pray.
Christ, Christ, O an­swer we pray,
O send thro’ the dark­ness a hope-light­ed way.

More lost ones are call­ing o’er de­sert and sea,
On plain and on mount­ain, in land of the free;
O Shep­herd so lov­ing, we ask Thee to keep,
From hig­hways and hedg­es, Thy wan­der­ing sheep.
Christ, Christ, O seek Thou, we pray,
The lost and the dy­ing, who know not the way.

Lo, this is Thy mes­sage: I send thee to keep
The watch ev­ery­where for My wan­der­ing sheep,
Till glo­ri­ous in beau­ty all na­tions shall come,
In praise and thanks­giv­ing, to Heav­en, their home.
Home, home, sweet heav­en­ly home,
What glo­ry and joy in our Fa­ther’s bright home!