Scripture Verse

The Father…the Son and…the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:20


Timothy Dudley-Smith (1926–)

Words: Ti­mo­thy Dud­ley-Smith, 1989. The text is based on the Apos­tles’ Creed.

Music: Rip­ley, ar­ranged from a Gre­go­ri­an chant by Lo­well Ma­son, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


We be­lieve in God the Fa­ther,
God Al­migh­ty, by whose plan
Earth and Hea­ven sprang in­to be­ing,
All cre­at­ed things be­gan.
We be­lieve in Christ the Sav­ior,
Son of God in hu­man frame,
Virgin born, the Child of Mary,
Upon whom the Spir­it came.

Christ, who on the cross for­sak­en,
Like a lamb to slaugh­ter led,
Suffered un­der Pon­ti­us Pi­late,
He des­cend­ed to the dead.
We be­lieve in Je­sus ris­en,
Heaven’s King to rule and reign,
To the Fa­ther’s side as­cend­ed
Till as Judge He comes again.

We be­lieve in God the Spir­it:
In one Church, be­low, above;
Saints of God in one com­mun­ion,
One in ho­li­ness and love.
So by faith, our sins for­giv­en,
Christ our Sav­ior, Lord and friend,
We shall rise with Him in glo­ry
To the life that knows no end.