Scripture Verse

With one mind striving together…and in nothing terrified by your adversaries. Philippians 1:27–28


Thomas B. Pollock (1836–1896)

Words: Tho­mas B. Poll­ock, in Sup­ple­ment­al Hymns to Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889.

Music: Mi­li­tes Will­iam H. Monk, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1889 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Monk (1823–1889)


We are sol­diers of Christ,
Who is migh­ty to save,
And His ban­ner the cross is un­furled;
We are pledged to be faith­ful
And stead­fast and brave
Against Sa­tan, the flesh, and the world.

We are bro­thers and com­rades,
We stand side by side,
And our faith and our hope are the same;
And we think of the cross
On which Je­sus has died,
When we bear the re­proach of His name.

At the font we were marked
With the cross on our brow,
Of our grace and our call­ing the sign;
And the weak­est is strong
To be true to his vow,
For the ar­mor we wear is di­vine.

We will watch rea­dy armed
If the tempt­er draw near,
If he comes with a frown or a smile;
We will heed not his threats,
Nor his flat­ter­ies hear,
Nor be tak­en by storm or by wile.

We will mas­ter the flesh,
And its long­ings re­strain,
We will not be the bond slaves of sin,
The pure Spir­it of God
In our na­ture shall reign,
And our spir­its their free­dom shall win.

For the world’s love we live not,
Its hate we de­fy,
And we will not be led by the throng;
We’ll be true to our­selves,
To our Fa­ther on high,
And the bright world to which we be­long.

Now let each cheer his com­rade,
Let hearts beat as one,
While we fol­low where Christ leads the way;
’Twere dis­hon­or to yield,
Or the bat­tle to shun,
We will fight, and will watch, and will pray.

Though the war­fare be wea­ry,
The tri­al be sore,
In the might of our God we will stand;
Oh! what joy to be crowned
And be pure ev­er­more,
In the peace of our own fa­ther­land.