Scripture Verse

Weep not; she is not dead, but sleepeth. Luke 8:52


Words: Fred­er­ick L. Hos­mer, 1882. First pub­lished in The Thought of God, first ser­ies, 1885.

Music: St. Fla­vi­an Day’s Psal­ter, 1563 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Frederick Hosmer (1840–1929)


We can­not think of them as dead
Who walk with us no more;
Along the path of life we tread—
They have but gone be­fore.

The Fa­ther’s house is man­sioned fair
Beyond our vi­sion dim;
All souls are His, and here or there
Are liv­ing un­to Him.

But still their si­lent min­is­tries
Within our hearts have place,
As when on earth they walked with us
And met us face to face.

Ours are they by an own­er­ship
Nor time nor death can free;
For God hath giv­en love to keep
Its own eter­nal­ly.