Scripture Verse

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. Isaiah 6:3


Calvin Laufer (1874–1938)

Words: Cal­vin W. Lau­fer, 1922.

Music: Ev­en­ing Light Cal­vin Lau­fer, 1922 (🔊 pdf nwc).


When comes the gold­en sun­set
That trails God’s way on high,
And with its ra­di­ant splen­dor
Illumes the ev­en­ing sky,
How are the hills and val­leys
Aglow with crim­son rays,
While na­ture’s deep toned or­gan
Lifts hea­ven­ward its praise:


Holy, ho­ly! An­gel voic­es sing it;
Holy, ho­ly! Cloudy pin­ions wing it;
Holy, ho­ly! Gleam­ing tow­ers ring it;
Holy, ho­ly, is the Lord most high.

So God re­veals at sun­set
The gran­deur of His throne,
The deep­er, full­er glo­ry
Reserved to be our own;
And in that hour’s un­fold­ing
Forgot are fear and pain
In love’s abound­ing so­lace,
In Heav­en’s great re­frain:


Then come, blest hour of sun­set,
Along the gold­en way,
And thrill us with the splen­dors
That fill life’s per­fect day.
God is the end of liv­ing,
He sa­tis­fies the soul,
And they who seek His glo­ry
Will find in Him their goal.
