Scripture Verse

Shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Luke 2:8


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Christ­mas car­ols and Hymns, ed­it­ed by Hol­lis E. Dann (New York: Am­eri­can Book Com­pa­ny, 1910), pag­es 19–20.

Music: Myles B. Fos­ter (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Fos­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Watching in the mea­dows
O’er their flocks by night,
Shepherds heard glad tid­ings,
Saw Hea­ven’s won­drous light!
Hallelujahs heard they
From the an­gels then—
Peace on earth, their mes­sage,
And Good­will to men!
Peace on earth, their mes­sage,
And Good­will to men!
Peace on earth,
Peace on earth.

Hark, that joy­ous mes­sage!
Mourners, cease to grieve!
Join to hail with glad­ness,
Blessèd Christ­mas Eve!
Children, let those tid­ings
Ring forth once again:
Glory in the high­est,
And Good­will to men!
Glory in the high­est,
And Good­will to men!
Peace on earth,
Peace on earth.