Scripture Verse

A highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the way of holiness. Isaiah 35:8


Words & Mu­sic: An­tho­ny J. Sho­wal­ter, Sho­walter’s Gos­pel Songs No. 2 (Dal­ton, Geor­gia: A. J. Sho­wal­ter, 1901) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Anthony J. Showalter (1858–1924)


We’re bound for glo­ry-land on high,
Walking in the King’s high­way;
We’ll reach its man­sions by and by,
Walking in the King’s high-way.


Walking in the King’s high-way,
Walking in the King’s high-way;
And life is grand and glo­ri­ous,
Walking in the King’s high-way.

This is the way our fa­thers trod,
Walking in the King’s high-way;
The way that leads to Heav’n and God,
Walking in the King’s high-way.


The lame shall leap, the dumb shall sing,
Walking in the King’s high-way;
In de­sert lands shall burst a spring,
Walking in the King’s high-way.


No un­clean thing may pass this road,
Walking in the King’s high-way;
But bur­dened souls may here unload,
Walking in the King’s high-way.


No li­ons here, nor rag­ing beast,
Walking in the King’s high-way;
But ran­somed souls as kings and priests,
Walking in the King’s high-way.


We sing glad songs of joy and peace,
Walking in the King’s high-way;
From doubt and fear we’ve found re­lease,
Walking in the King’s high-way.
