Scripture Verse

Hear my prayer, O Lord…in Thy faithfulness answer me. Psalm 143:1


Words: Ophe­lia G. Brown­ing, 1879. The words were pub­lished in The Chris­tian Stand­ard in 1880, un­der the name of F. G. Brown­ing, one of Brown­ing’s pseu­do­nyms.

Music: Charles D. Till­man, in Spi­ri­tu­al Songs No. 2, by Eli­sha A. Hoff­man (Cleve­land, Ohio: Sam­uel Bar­ber, 1883) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles D. Tillman (1861–1943)


Unanswered yet?
The pray­ers your lips have plead­ed
In ag­ony of heart these ma­ny years?
Does faith be­gin to fail, is hope de­part­ing,
And think you all in vain those fall­ing tears?
Say not the Fa­ther hath not heard your pray­er:
You shall have your de­sire, some­time, some­where,
You shall have your de­sire, some­time, som­ewhere.

Unanswered yet?
Though when you first pre­sent­ed
This one pe­ti­tion at the Fa­ther’s throne,
It seemed you could not wait the time of ask­ing,
So ur­gent was your heart to make it known.
Though years have passed since then, do not des­pair;
The Lord will an­swer you, some­time, some­where,
The Lord will an­swer you, some­time, some­where.

Unanswered yet?
Nay, do not say un­grant­ed;
Perhaps your part is not yet whol­ly done;
The work be­gan when first your pray­er was ut­tered,
And God will fin­ish what He has be­gun.
If you will keep the in­cense burn­ing there,
His glo­ry you shall see, some­time some­where,
His glo­ry you shall see, some­time some­where.

Unanswered yet?
Faith can­not be un­an­swered;
Her feet were firm­ly plant­ed on the Rock;
Amid the wild­est storm pray­er stands un­daunt­ed,
Nor quail be­fore the loud­est thun­der shock.
She knows Om­ni­po­tence has heard her pray­er,
And cries, It shall be done, some­time, some­where,
And cries, It shall be done, some­time, some­where.