Scripture Verse

We have seen His star in the east, and are come to worship Him. Matthew 2:2


Words: Al­fred Hayes, cir­ca 1896. This hymn was writ­ten at the re­quest of a friend, and pub­lished with mu­sic by Fred­er­ick Bridge (No­vel­lo). It was in­clud­ed in Hor­der’s Wors­hip Song, 1905.

Music: Pots­dam, adapt­ed from Jo­hann S. Bach, 1750, in the Church Psal­ter, 1854 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johann Bach (1685–1750)


Two thou­sand trou­bled years
Time’s wea­ry brow have worn,
Since that strange star to shep­herds told
The Prince of Peace was born.

Two thou­sand years of gloom,
Of grop­ing to­ward the light,
Of pro­phets scorned and mar­tyrs slain,
And bat­tle done for right.

But year by year the bells
The old glad tid­ings bring,
And men for­get their strife, to keep
The birth­day of the King.

Christ’s king­dom yet will come,
And good pre­vail o’er ill,
Though oft­en with a crown of thorns
We mock the Mas­ter still.

But He will not for­sake
The world for which He died,
Till all man­kind be ga­thered home
At the great Christ­mas­tide.