Scripture Verse

Thou hast guided them in Thy strength. Exodus 15:13


Words: Will­iam T. Da­vis, 1870. Da­vis wrote this hymn for the 250th an­ni­ver­sa­ry of the land­ing of the Pil­grims at Ply­mouth, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Music: Duke Street, at­trib­ut­ed to John Hat­ton, 1793 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Da­vis or Hat­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


To Thee, O God, whose guid­ing hand
Our fa­thers led across the sea,
And brought them to this bar­ren shore,
Where they might free­ly wor­ship Thee—

To Thee, O God, whose arm sus­tained
Their foot­steps in this de­sert land,
Where sick­ness lurked, and death as­sailed
And foes be­set on ev­ery hand—

To Thee, O God, we lift our eyes,
To Thee our grate­ful voic­es raise,
And, kneel­ing at Thy gra­cious throne,
Devoutly join in hymns of praise.

Our fa­thers’ God, in­cline Thine ear,
And list­en to our heart­felt pray­er;
Surround us with Thy heav’n­ly grace,
And guard us with Thy con­stant care.

Our fa­thers’ God, in Thee we’ll trust,
Sheltered by Thee from ev­ery harm;
We’ll fol­low where Thy hand shall guide,
And lean on Thy sus­tain­ing arm.