Scripture Verse

Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them! Isaiah 5:11


Edwin F. Hatfield (1807–1883)

Words: Ed­win F. Hat­field, 1872.

Music: In­vi­ta­tion (Hast­ings) Tho­mas Hast­ings, 1831 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas Hastings


’Tis Thine alone, al­migh­ty name,
To raise the dead to life,
The lost ine­bri­ate to re­claim
From pas­sion’s fear­ful strife.

What ruin hath in­tem­per­ance wrought
How wide­ly roll its waves!
How ma­ny my­ri­ads hath it brought
To fill dis­hon­ored graves!

And see, O Lord, what num­bers still
Are mad­dened by the bowl,
Led cap­tive at the ty­rant’s will
In bond­age, heart and soul.

Stretch forth Thy hand, O God, our king
And break the gall­ing chain;
Deliverance to the cap­tive bring,
And end the usurp­er’s reign.

The cause of tem­per­ance is Thine own;
Our plans and ef­forts bless;
We trust, O Lord, in Thee alone
To crown them with suc­cess.