Scripture Verse

I will declare what He hath done for my soul. Psalm 66:16


Words: Beu­lah, 1885. Pub­lished in Gos­pel Song-Gems No. 1, ed­it­ed by H. A. Wolf­sohn (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1901), num­ber 60.

Music: Ti­jua­na J. How­ard Ent­wisle (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Entwisle,


Once my eyes saw no­thing come­ly,
In the low­ly Na­za­rene,
All His grace was hid­den from me
By the clouds of sin be­tween;
I was blind, but now I see—
Jesus paid the debt for me.
I was blind, but now I see—
Jesus paid the debt for me.

Once my ears could find no mu­sic
In His ten­der, plead­ing voice;
Now He speaks, and each low whis­per
Makes my trem­bling heart re­joice.
His dear word hath made me free—
Oh, what bound­less li­ber­ty!
His dear word hath made me free—
Oh, what bound­less li­ber­ty!

Once my robes, by sin pol­lut­ed,
Were as fil­thy rags un­clean;
In the great King’s roy­al pre­sence
I could ne­ver thus be seen.
I am whit­er now than snow—
Jesus’ blood has made me so.
I am whit­er now than snow—
Jesus’ blood has made me so.

Once I roamed in deserts drea­ry,
Sought in vain a place of rest;
Now my soul, no long­er wea­ry,
Leans en­tranced up­on His breast.
Blessedness be­yond de­gree,
Jesus is a rest for me!
Blessedness be­yond de­gree,
Jesus is a rest for me!

Hallelujah, what a Sav­ior!
Half His love was ne­ver told;
I have found His king­ly fa­vor
Richer trea­sure far than gold.
Praise Him, O my ran­somed soul,
While eter­nal ag­es roll.
Praise Him, O my ran­somed soul,
While eter­nal ag­es roll.

Oh, that all who hear the sto­ry
For them­selves would taste and see;
Come to Him; His ban­ner o’er thee
Everlasting love shall be.
To Thy wea­ry soul be giv­en
Rest on earth and rest in Hea­ven.
To Thy wea­ry soul be giv­en
Rest on earth and rest in Hea­ven.