Scripture Verse

…songs of praise and thanksgiving. Nehemiah 12:46


Words: Will­iam H. Bald­win, in Cha­pel Gems for Sun­day School, ed­it­ed by George F. Root, Ben­ja­min R. Han­by, Fred­er­ic W. Root & James Mur­ray (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Root & Ca­dy, 1866), num­ber 138.

Music: Cheng­du James R. Mur­ray (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bald­win (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

James R. Murray (1841–1905)


To Thee, O God, we of­fer
Our joy­ful songs of praise;
To Thee, the boun­te­ous Giv­er,
And Guard­ian of our days;
Again we meet to thank Thee,
To raise our ev­en­ing pray­er;
Our hearts are filled with glad­ness,
For Thy most ten­der care.

Guard Thou the young, we pray Thee,
From sin and er­ror’s ways;
Show them the path of du­ty,
And guide through fu­ture days;
May youth and age so serve Thee,
Thou God of watch­ful love;
That they, when life is end­ed,
May dwell with Thee above.