Scripture Verse

Praises unto Thee. Psalm 144:9


Richard W. Gilder (1844–1909)

Words: Ri­chard W. Gil­der, 1905.

Music: Wor­ship (Har­ring­ton), adapt­ed from Karl P. Har­ring­ton, cir­ca 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Karl Harrington (1861–1953)

Origin of the Hymn

In re­sponse to an ad­mir­ing let­ter re­gard­ing this hymn, Gil­der wrote:

I am ve­ry much sur­prised and touched that you should write as you have of the Thanks­giv­ing hymn. In an­swer to your in­quir­ies I would say that it was in­spired by the same event as the Wes­ley­an po­em.

I had be­gun it be­fore reach­ing Mid­dle­town to take part in the ex­er­cis­es there—and would have fin­ished it there had I not been so oc­cu­pied with oth­er mat­ters—and I did not, of course, wish to force it, so to speak.

When, soon af­ter, it was com­plet­ed, it showed it to Pro­fess­or Win­ches­ter, at whose house I had stayed; and as you know, he asked to lay it be­fore your com­mit­tee. I think some oth­er Hym­nal has since used it (one for schools), and it will ap­pear in my book, The Fire Di­vine, now go­ing through the press.

So you see it had a Me­tho­dist or­ig­in, as Wes­ley was in my mind, and it was first print­ed in the new Me­tho­dist Hym­nal.

Nutter, pp. 11–12


To Thee, eter­nal Soul, be praise!
Who, from of old to our own days,
Through souls of saints and pro­phets, Lord,
Hast sent Thy light, Thy love, Thy Word.

We thank Thee for each migh­ty one
Through whom Thy liv­ing light hath shone;
And for each hum­ble soul and sweet
That lights to Heav­en our wan­der­ing feet.

We thank Thee for the love di­vine
Made real in ev­ery saint of Thine;
That bound­less love it­self that gives
In ser­vice to each soul that lives.

We thank Thee for the Word of might
Thy Spir­it spake in dark­est night.
Spake through the trum­pet voic­es loud
Of pro­phets at Thy throne who bowed.

Eternal Soul, our souls keep pure,
That like Thy saints we may en­dure;
Forever through Thy ser­vants, Lord,
Send Thou Thy light, Thy love, Thy Word.