Scripture Verse

And the door was shut. Matthew 25:10


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Wel­come Tid­ings (New York: Big­low & Main, 1877), num­ber 28.

Music: W. How­ard Doane (🔊 pdf nwc).

Howard Doane (1832–1915)


Too late? Ah, no, the pulse of life
Still throbs with­in thy breast;
And while that bless­èd spark re­mains,
Thy soul may find a rest.
The Lord in mer­cy spares thee yet,
His love to thee is great;
But do not tempt that love too far,
Or it may be too late.


Too late, too late,
Soon ’twill be too late;
Too late, too late,
Soon ’twill be too late.

He stands, He knocks, He calls, He waits,
He tar­ries at thy heart;
Canst thou re­ject His gra­cious call?
And wilt thou say de­part?
O, think on what a slen­der thread
This mo­ment hangs thy fate;
Arise—ad­mit thy heav’n­ly guest,
Or it may be too late.


Behold His hands, His bleed­ing side,
His crown of thorns be­hold!
And let His arms, ex­tend­ed wide,
Thy trem­bling form en­fold.
His mer­cy length­ens out thy days,
His love to thee is great;
O, do not tempt that love too far,
Or it may be too late.
