Scripture Verse

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. Proverbs 27:1


Words: A. C. Ci­den­ton, 1907.

Music: Ci­den­ton I. Al­lan San­key (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Ci­den­ton’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of San­key,

I. Allan Sankey (1874–1915)


Dost thou know, O trif­ling mor­tal,
Where to­mor­row will be spent?
Hast thou hope be­yond death’s por­tal
Should swift call for thee be sent?


One more hour to seek the Sav­ior,
His once of­fered love to grasp;
What were worlds be­side the fa­vor
Of Thy lov­ing hand to clasp?

Think what un­avail­ing sor­row
When that mor­row is to­day;
What wouldst thou not give to bor­row
One brief hour from life’s lost day!


Now that love is wait­ing for thee,
That pierced hand held out to save;
All His cruel wounds im­plore you,
Come, My life for you I gave!


There may be no more to­mor­row,
No more suns for thee may rise;
Thine no more earth’s joys and sor­rows,
Smiling morn, or ev­en­ing skies.


Oh, how long­er can you grieve Him,
How His mer­cy turn away?
Come, with thank­ful tears re­ceive Him;
Come to Je­sus, come to­day!
